Whose God?

[Yahweh : The proper name of the One True God] .

It is a sad but a true reality that many Believers ( aka Christians)  don’t know the name of their Creator .
I’ve had many conversations with Christians about this and when it came to the divine name of our Creator, they were utterly clueless. Some answered that the name of God was simply God. Others said His name was Jesus. Even others said that God has many names from different languages and there was no particular name for the Christian God.

Some Christians hold to the theory that our Creator's  true name is a secret or that it should not be uttered by anyone lest it become unsacred. I call this complete nonsense. Why would our Creator  command His children to evangelize His word but keep His name a secret? Such a position is unBiblical.

Our Creator revelaed His name to Moses on Mount Sinai thousands of years ago.
“He  said to Moses, “Say this to the people of Israel: Yahweh, the God of your ancestors—the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob—has sent me to you.” (Exodus 3:15).
When He revealed His name clearly in the Bible, what excuse do we have for not knowing is name?

One thing I admire about Muslims is, despite their cultural and language differences, all Muslims collectively use one word when referring to their god. The word Allah is uttered by Muslims many times on a daily basis. If you ask a Muslim what the name of their god is, they won’t think twice before answering. On the other hand, you will get a dozen different answers and a lot of “uhs” and umms” from Christians.

We can’t entirely blame Christians for this sad reality though. Many of the English translations of the Bible have completely replaced Yahweh with “the LORD”. How they translated a proper name from Hebrew into an English noun is beyond me. But the consequence is that most Christians don’t grow up learning the true name of God and many are even oblivious to the fact.

We should proclaim the name of Yahweh our God with pride and joy. Let us be recognized as the children of Yahweh, the God of Israel.

by Ron Jefferson, Quora
edited by Joseph Lefort 

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